
Stay up-to-date on Pro Materia Creative Consultancy with Spazio Nobile and TL Magazine 

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C.H.O.S.E experimenting in St.-Etienne

February, 19 2016

The first action of C.H.O.S.E is to launch a call for initiatives for local actors in order to establish an experimental program in 2016 – 2017 (see calendar below) The result of this call for initiatives was very rich: 4 local actors came forward and presented their initiatives.

Experimenting Public Liveability in Belgrade

February, 19 2016

The experimentations in Belgrade aim to improve the liveability of public spaces in their city. In May 2016 a series of experiments will be held in collaboration with THINKtent, Mjehur na Mrezi,

“Saint-Etienne changes design, French capital of design”, expo in Milan

February, 19 2016

Exhibition  « Saint-Etienne changes design,  French capital of design » . From 2nd of April till 12th of September 2016 at BASE Milano (ex Ansaldo) Zona Tortona next to the MUDEC (Museum of Cultures) – Within the framework the XXI International Exhibition Triennale di Milano  “Design after Design” To answer the topic  “Design after Design”, 

TLmag Nasza Polska

February, 16 2016

With Nasza Polska (translating as ‘our Poland), Pro Materia and TLmag brought contemporary Polish design into the spotlight. After an extensive tour in Warsaw, Cmielow, Lodz, Poznan, Wroclaw, Krakow and Szumin,

TF Magazine #2

February, 16 2016

TF Carries Metal Work Further
Innovation takes shape in furniture, creative projects, cities and their users
In this second edition of TF magazine, you will find a series of articles and interviews with our customers,

TLmag Istanbul

February, 16 2016

Istanbul – Emerging as a Centre of Design and Lifestyle

Stunning photography reveals Istanbul, its hidden know-how, treasures, impressive atmosphere and its design-led scene. Much more than a city guide, this edition offers an inspiring tour of Istanbul,

TLmag Norwegian Craft

February, 16 2016

An Artistic Category Open to Experimentation
‘Rugged’ and ‘weathered’ is how Norway’s natural anthem characterises the country. the climate is harsh, and before oil made the inhabitants rich, their lifestyle was marked by austerity.

Glass is Tomorrow: Boda

February, 15 2016

7 – 12 July 2013
Boda Glassbruk (SE)
Designers: Dina Baïtassova, Nathalie Dewez, Matti Klenell, Pia Wüstenberg, Camille Roger
Glass Blowers: Simon Kashmir Holm, Eino Mäkelä, Fredrik Nielsen, Vanessa Royant, Jeremy Wintrebert
Partners: The Glass Factory
In the 1960s and 70s Boda teamed up with life and creativity.

Glass is Tomorrow: Domaine de Boisbuchet

February, 15 2016

8-14 September 2013
Domaine de Boisbuchet (FR)
Designers: Flavie Audi, Claire Baldeck, Jeanne Gautier, Steve Gibbs, Paul Haigh, Stéphane Halmaï-Voisard, David Hanauer
Glassblowers: George Kennard, Amy Kruger, Verena Schatz, Carl Siglin,

Glass is Tomorrow: Nuutajarvi

February, 15 2016

September 2011
Designers: Alfredo Häberli, Lucie Koldova, Cecilie Manz, Rony Plesl, Tadeáš Podracký, Hubert Verstraeten, Heikki Viinikainen, Dan Yeffet
Glassblowers: Antoine Brodin, Róisín de Buitléar, Matteo Gonet, S
ara Hulkkonen, Iittala Blowers,

Glass is Tomorrow: Novy Bor

February, 15 2016

February 2012

Designers: Bystro Design – Dagmar Pankova & Léos Smejkal, Pierre Favresse, Mendel Heit, Klára Horáčková, Wing lam Kwok, Arik Levy, V8 – Pierre Bindreiff & Sébastien Geissert, Maxim Velčovský

Glassblowers: Ajeto / Lasvit Blowers,

Glass is Tomorrow: Meisenthal 1

February, 15 2016

July 2012

Designers: Werner Aisslinger, Lena Bergström, Tim Brauns, Tina Bunyaprasit, Sebastien Cordoleani,
Verena Gompf, Sebastian Herkner, Studio Brichet-Ziegler – Pierre Brichet & Caroline Ziegler, Studio Olgoj Chorchoj – Michal Froněk &

Glass is Tomorrow: Saint-Just

February, 15 2016

May 2014

Designers: Gwladys Alonzo, Flavie Audi, Aude Briet, Jeanne Gautier, GGSV – Stéphane Villard &

Gaëlle Gabillet, Christian Ghion, Kaspar Hamacher, Iveta Heinacka, Mathilda Kästel, Pierre Lhoas, Amaury Poudray, Michel Philippon,

Glass is Tomorrow: Meisenthal 2

February, 15 2016

July 2014
Designers: Mark Braun, Paweł Grobelny, Norayr Khachatryan, Adrian Rovero, Studio Monsieur –Romain Diroux & Manon Leblanc, Sema Topaloglu
Glassblowers: Róisín Buitléar, CIAV Blowers, Christophe Genard, Sébastien Maurer, Jean-Marc Schilt
Meisenthal has long been know as the cradle of Art Nouveau glass and the glassworks that enabled
Emile Gallé as well as René Lalique to revolutionise the glass industry.

Glass is Tomorrow: Denizli

February, 15 2016

October 2014
Designer: Autoban – Seyhan Özdemir & Sefer Çağlar, Nigel Coates, Sinem Halli, Benjamin Hubert, Sevgi Kes, Tomas Kral, Tamer Nakisci, Studio Rygalik – Gosia & Tomek Rygalik
Glassblowers: Şevki Bayka Master Team, 

Glass is Tomorrow: RCA

February, 15 2016

March 2015
Designers: Erin Elizabeth Dickson, Nathan Favot, Gemma Learny, Liisa Poskiparta, Galla Theodosis, Helena Todd

Glassblowers: Ulrika Barr, George Bell, Simon Moore, Liam Reeves, Martin Smith

Partners: Vessel Gallery

Established in 1837,